1. To guarantee the perfection of products, each bag is inspected carefully before it is dispatched.
2. If there is any quality problem within 5 days of receiving the product, we will issue a full refund. Quality problems include the products arrive with damages, wrong delivery or mismatched models. However, we would not hold responsibility for damages caused by malice action (by customer herself/himself), and exchange or refund would be rejected. For all defective items, buyer need to send pictures to proof the damages parts.
Be sure to pack your item securely to prevent damage in transit. Damaged items will not be accepted for return. Once received, returns take about 2-3 business days to process.
3. If you want to return the item without any quality issues. We will swap for a good one upon stock availability ( Pls pay the shipping cost, and tell us the tracking no.), or make a refund (Customers are responsible for all the shipping charges and handling cost). The item must be returned to us in original condition.
4. Products may be returned for a refund or exchange by contacting us within 7 days of receiving your order. Before you can ship an item back to us please email us for return address.